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Jesus Tells Us: Go and Christ’s Presence will Soon Follow

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

Jesus Tells Us: Go . . .


In  today’s Gospel, Jesus sends 72 disciples out into the world with specific instructions.

While it might appear at first to be just a Gospel story about the early Church, it is also a command for us!  Jesus, upon His disciples return, tells them not to rejoice because spirits respond to their prayers and commands, but that your name is written in Heaven!

The Homily begins by announcing to the Mass attendees that there are two priests who will be visiting and preaching at the Shrine. Hear more about these two priests!

The Homily calls two young people from the pews and expands upon today’s Gospel. Jesus sends out His disciples telling them to not bring supplies, or money on their trip. Jesus asks His disciples to prepare the way of the Lord, to visit the towns the Lord will visit. He tells the disciples just to rely on Him. He, through other people, will provide what His disciples will need . . . shelter, food, etc. Jesus tells a lesson for us all. Listen more in this Homily.

Christ Sending Out the Seventy-Two Disciples Two-by-Two: French Painter: James Tissot: late 1800s

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. . . and Christ’s Presence will Soon Follow

When Jesus sends out His disciples . . . when He sends us out into the world . . . the presence of Christ always follows in some way afterwards. Wow, think about that. He is saying, don’t worry about the ability to speak in a certain way. Just go and live the Gospel. Christ’s presence will soon follow. That statement is further explained in the Homily.

Go and Christ’s presence will soon follow. Go, and you will find unexpected support as you do so! Don’t worry about having everything in place . . . everything you really need will be given to you!

The Lesson Continues

Don’t just rejoice in what you do. Rejoice that your names are written in the book of Heaven. Listen and Meditate on this Media.

Jesus Tells Us: Go and Christ’s Presence will Soon Follow

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