Understanding and Celebrating the Role, Connection and Greatness of St. John the Baptist
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
Understanding and Celebrating the Role, Connection and Greatness of St. John the Baptist
In scripture, we are told of several births (the Homily lists many). But the Church only celebrates three people. Our Lord, the Virgin Mary, . . . and St. John the Baptist.
We do not celebrate the birthday of the disciple Jesus loved. The Church does not celebrate St. Joseph’s birthday. The Church also does not celebrate St. Peter’s or St. Paul’s, or any other saint’s birthday. The Church celebrates saints’ and others’ birth into glory, but not their birthday on earth.
This fact should tell us something about St. John the Baptist. Uniquely, for many years within the Church, we celebrated only two people . . . Jesus and St. John the Baptist. Celebrating Our Lady’s Nativity actually came later within the Catholic tradition.
Imagine that! For hundreds of years, there were only two birthday celebrations within the Christian traditions. The Church, by celebrating St. John the Baptist’s birthday, it emphasizes the greatness and uniqueness of the connection to Jesus and the role God Almighty has given to him.
What role? The role in moving forward with the salvation of the world.
Hear about the greatness of this Baptist. Listen to a very unique connection to Jesus. Understand how Heaven views St. John the Baptist! Understand why the Church celebrates him. Listen to this Meditation Media

Nativity of St. John the Baptist: Italian Painter: Pontormo: 1526
Zechariah did not believe the message of Gabriel, he was rendered speechless until the time of John’s birth. At that time, his relatives wanted to name the child after his father, and Zechariah wrote, “His name is John”, whereupon he recovered his ability to speak (Luke 1:5–25; 1:57–66). The painting depicts Zechariah writing the name of John on a tablet.
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Understanding and Celebrating the Role, Connection and Greatness of St. John the Baptist