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Pentecost Sunday: The Birth of the Church

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

Pentecost Sunday: The Birth of the Church


The  Gospel and readings show a single location on two different Sundays.

In the Gospel, it is the evening of the first day of the week . . . on Easter Sunday. The Lord arrives at a room. The place of the Great Super . . . the Last Super on the night before He died. In the room is His disciples . . . the Church. They are locked inside to keep the dangers of the world outside.

It is into this room, that the Lord arrives on Easter Sunday. There is great joy! His risen presence breaks the fear of His disciples. The Lord gives His disciples His first gift . . . the Gift of Peace to His Church. It is a Peace that does not take the danger out of this world. But a Peace that settles the heart to live in this world. It is a gift that is so important, that He gives it twice. The first Peace is a Peace that allows the joy of seeing Him. Then a Peace that allows the receiving of a second . . . and even greater gift. It is the Gift of the Holy Spirit. Hear more in the Homily.

The Birth of the Church

Fifty days later, we are back in the same room. The same room of the locked doors. The disciples are they there on a Sunday at prayer. The Church can fit into this one room. In quite confidence, the Church is at prayer. . . not fear. Jesus told them not to leave before the Spirit comes.

The building begins to shake. Nothing else, but the building. It was windy and very sunny. Indoors where the sunlight is greater than a sunny day at the beach. Windy and sunny. Heaven descends in its power within the room. After this happens, the Church spills out of the room. The Church steps out into the world. Today the Church spans the entire world.

The disciples had no material wealth. But they changed the world, because they came out into the world. This is what we celebrate today. Pentecost Sunday: The Birth of the Church. Hear more on what we celebrate on this birth of the Church. Listen to this Meditation Media.

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Pentecost Sunday: The Birth of the Church

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