Q&A: Mary in the Mind of God. Was Mary Given to Us Before She Was Born?
Father James McMillan, SMM
RJT, Downey, CA
This is the short version of the longer question that appears below.
Questions Submitted
- Was Mary given to us in the year 16 B.C.?
- Or was she given to us in Genesis, through the promise to Adam and Eve?
- Or was Mary actually given to us before the time of man, when the angels were first created?
- Weren’t Lucifer and his followers driven from heaven because they refused to pay homage to Him who would be born of Mary? Wasn’t this when Mary was given to us in “thought” by God, and His foreseeing of Adam’s sin, and subsequent personification of His Word in Jesus Christ? Is it heresy to think that Mary existed in the “mind” of God from the very beginning of time, or even before?
Mary in the Mind of God
Let’s take your questions one at a time:
- We don’t know the date of Our Lady’s birth. We can only conjecture about her age at the time of the Incarnation of Christ Our Lord. From what we know, it was customary for Jewish girls to marry at about the age of fourteen or fifteen, so she was probably about fifteen when Christ was born.
- She is referred to, even though remotely, in the Book of Genesis (chapter 3, verse 15). God told the serpent: “I will put enmities between thee and the woman, between thy seed and her seed . .”
- Our Lady did not pre-exist her own coming into the world. She was, like everyone else, present “in the mind of God” from all eternity.
- We know that Lucifer and his followers were driven from heaven because of sin. This was clearly stated by the Fourth Lateran Council in the year 1215. Christ refers to Lucifer and the fallen angels in the Gospel of St. Luke (chapter 10, verse 18). These angels refused to serve God and were punished for their pride. We have no further information from Revelation.
Return to The Queen: Q&A

He knows, and everyone else knows, that God does not literally fly away from you so that you cannot get near Him. He is simply making the point as graphically as possible that we should not attempt to exclude the mediators that God has given us.
The Madonna at Prayer: Italian Artist: Sassoferrato
This artwork has a filter, placed by The Queen, on top of the painting to give it a different look.