How does one know if you are part of His flock?
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
How does one know if you are part of His flock?
Who are the members of Our Lord’s flock?
We hear the echo of last Sunday’s Good Shepherd scripture. Jesus uses this title . . . and it does not appear out of nowhere. Moses was a shepherd, tending the flock of his father-in-law when he saw the burning bush. David, the great king, was at one time . . . a shepherd boy. Psalms reference “we are His people, the Shepherd of His flock”. The Lord Himself describes Himself as the Good Shepherd.
So the question that arises is . . . who is Your flock? That is today’s question from the readings. In today’s Gospel, the Jewish leaders approach Jesus and say . . . tell us plainly, are you the Messiah or not? Jesus then references His mighty deeds and teachings. He tells His audience despite these things, you refuse to receive the message. You are withholding judgement until you get one more piece of evidence. There is always a need for one more piece of evidence . . . regardless of what has already been done. The Jewish leaders are refusing to make a decision . . . refusing to believe . . . delaying making a decision.
There is a simple reason why you do not believe I am your Savior, Jesus tells the leaders. It is because you are not of My flock. Wow! What a sobering statement that is!
How does one know if you are part of His flock? Hear more in this Meditation Media.

The Good Shepherd: Spanish Artist: Bartolomé Esteban Murillo: 1660
The Good Shepherd is an oil on canvas painting, now residing in the Prado Museum in Madrid
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