If the Apostles Stayed in Jerusalem . . . How Did the Good News Spread? Deacon Phillip Was One Way
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
If the Apostles Stayed in Jerusalem . . . How Did the Good News Spread?
We recently heard about St. Stephen. A Deacon, and a Jew, he went out as a disciple.
Upon preaching, he was stoned to death. There is a certain tolerance of mob violence in Israel, under Roman rule. The Jewish leaders previously said we do not have the authority to put someone to death (in the case of Jesus). On the other hand . . . there are numerous cases of people getting stoned.
The mob violence is a combination of lawlessness and lawfulness. Mob violence and mob violence encouraged by Jewish leaders. It is an odd limit of lawfulness.
We hear in the readings that as the result of the persecution, many believers left Jerusalem and takes the Gospel elsewhere. This is actually the case several times in the history of the Church. The attempts to stop the spread of the Gospel via persecution, leads to the spread of the Gospel. Believes leave and are witnesses of the faith . . .spreaders of the faith.
Deacon Phillip Was One Way
We also hear something strange. As the result of the persecutions, the Christian community leaves Jerusalem . . . except for the Apostles. The question arises . . . if the Apostles are in Jerusalem . . . who is this Phillip that we hear in the readings (not included within this audio)? One of the traditions says he is Phillip the Deacon.
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The Baptism of the Eunuch by Deacon Phillip: Dutch Painter: Rembrandt: 1626
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If the Apostles Stayed in Jerusalem . . . How Did the Good News Spread? Deacon Phillip Was One Way