Mary Magdalen Desires the Lord on Easter Sunday
Father Hugh Gillespie, SMM
Mary Magdalen . . .
The Gospel this week are all about Easter Sunday . .. a day that lasts eight twenty-four hour periods.
On this day, the Gospel is the “do not touch me for I have not ascended to the Father”. Mary of Magdalen weeps and refuses to leave the tomb. On Easter Sunday morning we hear she saw the empty tomb and ran to tell the Apostles. Mary comes back with them, and remains after they leave. She weeps. She does not want to move.
Mary looks into the tomb and sees two angels. Often when someone in scripture sees an angel they are overwhelmed. However, Mary is not overwhelmed by the angels. She sees them and at first does not react. They ask her; Woman, why are you weeping.
Mary looks at the angels and explains. They have taken him away and I do not know where He is. Angels are not enough for Mary. Her desire is for Jesus . . . not for an angel. Her desire is for Jesus . . . and not a lesser consolation. Hear more about this amazing exchange.
. . . Desires the Lord
The eyes long to see Jesus, and they do not, and so she weeps. They eyes long to know where Jesus is and so she weeps. Mary weeps not because of the mystery of the Passion; it is not because Jesus died. It is deeper and more complex. Hear more in this Homily.
Mary turns away from the angel, she looks outside the tomb. She sees Jesus . . . but does not recognize Him. Her eyes see Him, but they do not know Him. She desires to see Jesus . . . but she does not know Him.
Hear more about this story and the message for our own Spiritual Journey.

Christ’s Appearance to Mary Magdalene
after the Resurrection:
Russian Painter: Alexander Ivanov: 1835
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Mary Magdalen Desires the Lord on Easter Sunday