Last Gospel & Homily of Lent: Judas Prepares the Betrayal: Impact on Our Spiritual Journey!
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
Last Gospel & Homily of Lent
begins on a Wednesday, marked by ashes, with the hope to change our hearts.
The last Mass of Lent is held on a Wednesday and comes to a conclusion with the reading about Judas’ at the Last Supper . . . preparing to betray the Lord. Judas has a heart that did not change.
It is not an accident that the Gospel is about Judas. The Church puts this image before our eyes before the events of the Passion. We are given a glimpse of the need to suffer in the first reading (not included in this audio) and Psalm #69.
There are two movements on display here. The first is the movement by God after the fall of man. A movement in which He will save this sin fallen world.
Listen to these movements and what this Gospel means to us in our own Spiritual Journey. Listen to this sixteen minute Meditation Media.

Restored mural painting by the Italian Renaissance Artist Leonardo da Vinci, dated to c. 1495–1498.
The painting represents the scene of the Last Supper of Jesus with the Twelve Apostles, as it is told in the Gospel of John. The top image is a portion of the full second image. In the top image, right to left is John, Peter and sitting is Judas.
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Last Gospel & Homily of Lent: Judas Prepares the Betrayal: Impact on Our Spiritual Journey!