The sick and sinners are often cut off from the community. Jesus tells us no!
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
Do Not Cut Yourself Off From the Community . . . From Prayer
In this Homily, there are two important lessons for all Christians!
In today’s Homily, the audio references both the Gospel and St. James’ Letter. St. James(not included within this audio) talks about those that are ill and those that have sinned. In fact, the St. James passage is the beginning . . . of the anointing of the sick. In both cases (illness and sinners), often these people are cut off from the community. St. James says . . . when you are ill or have sinned . . . pray. When things are going well . . . rejoice in the Lord. Why? Because you are never really alone in those things.
It is also important to realize . . . that it is never just you and the Lord experiencing the joy . . . or experiencing the pain and/or sorrows! Hear more within the audio.
Come to Jesus Like Children . . . A Lesson for All Parents
In the Gospel, the story is the children running to Jesus. The Homily specifically mentions that the parents bring their children to Jesus. They are brought to Him. Drawing near to Him . . . they find Him and approach Him. Hear more about parenthood, children and Jesus.
Listen to this important lesson for Christians . . . and Meditate on it!

And the Prayer of Faith Shall Save the Sick (St. James): English Painter: John Frederick Lewis: 1872
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The sick and sinners are often cut off from the community. Jesus tells us no!