Devotions and Marian Spirituality
Fr. Roger Charest, SMM
Devotions and . . .
Now might be the perfect time to take a second look at Pope John Paul’s encyclical, Mother of The Redeemer, to see if and how well his wishes have been carried out.
First, let me quote his own words; “… the Marian Year is meant to promote a new and more careful reading of what the Council said about the Blessed Virgin. Mary, Mother of God, in the mystery of Christ and of the Church … Here we speak not only of the doctrine of faith, but also of the life of faith; and thus of authentic ‘Marian Spirituality,’ seen in the light of tradition and especially the spirituality to which the Council exhorts us.
“Furthermore, Marian Spirituality, like its corresponding devotion, finds a very rich source in the historical experience of individuals and of the various Christian communities present among the different peoples and nations of the world.”
. . . Marian Spirituality
At this point, the Holy Father singles out St. Louis de Montfort as a master of this Marian Spirituality. He sites; “In this regard, I would like to recall among the many witnesses and teachers of this spirituality, the figure of St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort, who proposes consecration to Christ through the hands of Mary, as an effective means for Christians to live faithfully their baptismal commitments . . ”. (No. 48).
It is obvious that the Holy Father is raising our sights; raising them above and beyond mere devotions, or acts of devotion, to a form of “authentic Marian Spirituality” . What St. Louis de Montfort calls, “a state of soul,” a way of spiritual life – lived in union with Jesus and Mary. A life which consists in a perpetual renewal of and living out our baptismal vows and promises to Jesus Christ, in and through Mary.
This does not imply in any way, that the Holy Father is playing down devotions to Mary. As Vatican II reminds us; “This Sacred Synod advisedly … admonishes all the Church’s children generously to foster the cult toward the Most Blessed Virgin, particularly the liturgical cult.
Moreover, they should esteem highly practices and pious exercises toward her which have in the course of the centuries been recommended by the Magisterium; they should also religiously safeguard what has been decreed in bygone times about the cult of images of Christ and of the Blessed Virgin and of the Saints”. (Const. on the Church, Ch. VIII, No. 67).

It is obvious that the Holy Father is raising our sights; raising them above and beyond mere devotions, or acts of devotion, to a form of “authentic Marian Spirituality” . . . A life which consists in a perpetual renewal of and living out our baptismal vows and promises to Jesus Christ, in and through Mary.
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Devotions are Steppingstones to a Life in Union . . .
In fact, in his Marian Year encyclical, Pope John Paul exhorts us to a meditative recital of Mary’s “Magnificat” (No. 35) as well as to the veneration of sacred images. (NO. 33) He once called the Rosary “my favorite prayer,” a prayer“ so simple, so rich.” (Oct. 29, 1978). Devotions, however, are never meant to be an end in themselves. They are steppingstones, so to speak, to a life of union with Jesus and Mary.
We can safely assert that Our Holy Father wrote his Marian Year encyclical to make us more aware of Mary’s maternal presence not only in the life of Christ, but in the Church throughout the centuries to our own day. It is this awareness that he tries so hard to develop in the hearts of all the members of the Church; an awareness that will help us live with her in the company of her divine Son. He speaks about her maternal presence everywhere, but especially in Shrines dedicated to her throughout the world.
. . . with Jesus and Mary
This awareness of Mary’s presence is obviously more than a mere passing act of devotion, no matter how beautiful and how sanctifying it may be. It’s a way of living out your Christian life with Mary as your constant companion and spiritual mother. He calls it; “The Marian dimension of the life of a disciple of Christ … expressed in a special way precisely through this filial entrusting to the Mother of Christ, which began with the testament of the Redeemer on Golgotha”. (No. 45).
This act of entrusting or consecration of ourselves to Mary, after the example of Christ Himself, is the giant step that introduces us into the Marian Spirituality referred to by the Holy Father. It is the goal he has set out for the entire Church as well as for each individual member of the Church during this Marian Year. Has it really been understood by all the members or even by all our leaders in the Church?
I’m afraid not. At least not from my limited observations. All of which means; with the Holy Father and with St. Louis de Montfort, we still have a long way to go to help people realize, if not experience, Mary’s maternal presence in their lives and through her, the redeeming presence of her divine Son, Jesus.
May I say, in conclusion, that the beautiful book, “God Alone, the Collected Writings of St. Louis Marie de Montfort” makes its debut in the English-speaking world at a most opportune time. May it be Our Lord’s way of extending the work of the Marian
Year: To Jesus Through Mary.