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Jesus Speaks to Us During the Proclamation

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

Jesus Speaks to Us During the Proclamation


When  the Gospel is proclaimed, who is speaking?

One might answer, the Priest (or Holy Deacon). But that would be only partially true. When the Gospel is proclaimed, we hear the Priest; but it is actually Jesus speaking through the Priest to us! . . . to you!

Proclamation of Scripture during Mass is not an exercise in giving us information; it is not an exercise in answering our questions; it is also not a time filler immediately prior to receiving Holy Communion. We Christians know this, but we also need to be reminded. It is easy to forget that the proclamation of Scripture is aimed at our heart! The Gospel words are different when we recognize this truth! The Lord is present. We stand for the proclamation specifically, because He is present. For no other reason, but He is present! The Lord is not just recounting an event from 2000 years ago! He has a specific intention. He . . . is speaking to us!

The Gospel takes on a completely different dimension when we recognize this truth! Hear more about this topic and the day’s message from Jesus within the Homily! Meditate on this Media this week and when you attend Mass! Listen to more within this audio.

At the end of the Homily, the Shrine has a special blessing for those who (speak) read sacred scripture within the Mass at the Shrine. Hear more at the end of this Meditation Media.

The Christ Pantocrator of St. Catherine’s Monastery at Sinai: 6th Century

Jesus Speaks to Us During the Proclamation

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