Does the Holy Family Go to Bethlehem Because of a Decree by the Leaders?
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
Does the Holy Family Go to Bethlehem Because of a Decree by the Leaders?
When we look at a Nativity Creche, there are often materials that are normally discardable items included in the scene.
Rocks, hay, tree limbs. All things that go unnoticed, but placed in a creche, during the Christmas Season, they are not only beautiful, but looked upon in a different light.
The essence of the Nativity set tells us something. It doesn’t just tell us a story of various people showing up on the scene. No. It is much more. It tells us of a reality of a wounded world into which Christ came. Listen to what the world sees in the beautiful scene.
Did the Holy Family go to Bethlehem because of an earthly ruler? Yes, the Romans barked their orders, but that is not why they go. The Holy Family goes, because that is where the Lord is pleased to be born. Hear more why this is so! Hear more about what happens at the stable!
Listen to the Christmas Season Meditation Media.

The Life Size Outside Nativity Scene
The Holy Family and the Outdoor Nativity Scene; one of four Nativities at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Island.
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Does the Holy Family Go to Bethlehem Because of a Decree by the Leaders?