Prophet Isaiah: . . . On That Day . . .
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
. . . On That Day . . .
During the readings of the first week of Advent we hear Isaiah say “ . . . On That Day . . . “.
But what is he telling the people of his age, hundreds of years before the birth of Christ? “On this day”. We also hear, as Catholics with the knowledge of the birth of Christ, the phrase “On This Day”. What does this tell us?
In the Gospel reading the Lord looks upon the wounded and heals them. He sends out His disciples to heal the people. On that day, people saw the face of the Lord. As we prepare our nativity scene, with its empty crèche, what a marvelous way to contemplate the Lord as we gaze and wait to look upon His face.
Listen to this Homily and its various Meditation themes during this season of Advent.

A Nativity Scene on the property of The Shrine of Our Lady of the Island
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Prophet Isaiah: . . . On That Day . . .