Ours is an Apostolic Faith
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
Ours is an Apostolic Faith
From the early days of the Church, faith filled pilgrim sites were located where the martyrs spilled their blood.
When Christianity became a legal religion in Rome, during the days of Constantine, he made a pilgrimage to Vatican Hill. He went to the place of the grave of St. Peter, and wept. Later, he gave the order to build a Church, which we now know as St. Peters. A Church dedicated to the prince of Apostles. The current St. Peters is not the same structure, but a Church has been on the current location of St. Peters since the fourth century.
The following year, a Church was built where the Apostle Paul was be-headed. But before both of these Churches were built, the faithful would find their way to these two locations to pray. They prayed for the intercession of these great saints to intercede and continue to guide the Church.
It is important to take a moment today to recognize that blood was spilled in witness to the Gospel. Recognizing that the Apostles, especially these two Apostles, drank from the chalice of the Lord in witness to the Gospel. Ours is an Apostolic Faith.
During the homily, the most recent paper from the US Bishops on receiving the Eucharist is briefly discussed.
Listen to this Homily as to why this statement about faith is important to our Spiritual well-being. Hear more about this Meditation Media piece.

Edward Armitage: English Victorian Painter: Christ Calling the Apostles: 1869
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Ours is an Apostolic Faith