Apostles James and John Make a Request of Jesus
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
Apostles James and John Make a Request of Jesus
J ames and John are two of the Apostles. They have been with Jesus for nearly three years!
They have been exposed to His teachings, like no other. They ask Jesus for something. They ask to sit, when they enter into Heaven, on Jesus’ left and right side. They know Jesus better than almost anyone. Yet, they still do not really know Him!
The two Apostles, in their prayer, say to Jesus what they want. But what happens if you do not want the right thing(s)? We can relate this passage to our own Spiritual Prayers. At times, we ask the Lord for a special intention. But what if it is not the right thing? Prayer is not a matter of saying or doing the right formula. But prayer does involve being in the right spirit .
The two Apostles know that Jesus will come into His Glory and He has the power to answer prayers. The Apostles know that. We, also, know that. They again . . . say what they want. While they ask for several reasons, some are right. But not all! They ask the Lord because in one sense they wish to remain close to the Lord. Good! But they also want to be near His power. To be on or near His throne . . . near His Status. They, in effect, wish to Glorify themselves. Not Good!
This is a trap Christians have fell into for two thousand years and continue to fall into, even today.
Listen to this Meditation media and understand how John and James’ request is distorting there Spiritual Prayer Life.

Edward Armitage: English Victorian Painter: Christ Calling the Apostles: 1869
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Apostles James and John Make a Request of Jesus