The Word of the Cross
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
Jesus’ Lesson to His Disciples and to Us!
There are passages and teachings in the Gospel, when Jesus speaks to everybody (the world).
There are also passages and teachings, that are spoken by Jesus, but not to just anybody. Just to certain people. In today’s Gospel, Jesus is not speaking to the world. He has already done that. Jesus speaks to His disciples. He is also speaking to us! Jesus is not speaking to the rest of the world. He speaks to us! He speaks to all those who have been trying to follow Him.
As we follow Christ . . . as we become more mature spiritually, more is open up to us. The Lord says . . . now I have something for you. He has something to share with us.
He explains on His journey to Jerusalem, that He will be arrested, condemned and put to death. The disciples will be witnesses and will be messengers. Jesus wants His disciples involved. But, He has to prepare them. The Lord prepares us as well! Jesus describes what His Cross is. He describes the way! He describes the Word of the Cross.
Listen to this Word of the Cross. Listen to this lesson to Jesus’ disciples, and to us! Hear about this great Mystery of the Cross. Hear more in this meditation piece.
Return to Meditation for the Week

The disciples will be witnesses and will be messengers. Jesus wants His disciples involved. But, He has to prepare them. The Lord prepares us as well! Jesus describes what His Cross is. He describes the way! He describes the Word of the Cross.
The Word of the Cross