The Queen: Editorial: Mother of God
Fr. J. Patrick Gaffney, SMM
Mother of God
How tragic that we easily become accustomed to the beautiful, the astounding, the miraculous in our lives!
The mystifying warmth of love, the dazzling dawn dispelling darkness, the sacramental sanctity of life itself; are we to take these for granted? More often than not, we do.
Perhaps that is why we commemorate anniversaries, New Year’s, birthdays, Mothers’ Day, Valentine’s Day. Celebrated sincerely, these holidays renew the exhilarating experiences of authentic marvels of existence. They jolt us out of our blasé complacency.
The most astonishing miracles permeating us are those of our Catholic faith. These wonders are of a depth unfathomable for they tell of infinite, uncreated Beauty. Incredibly, our Christian life can become so lackadaisical! When do we advert to the Divine Triune Guest within us? The eucharistic mysteries become routine. The sacraments neglected. Miracles of our faith penetrate us yet our emphasis on business and pleasure blocks any depth experience of their stupendous joy. For many, not even the approaching sleep of death awakens to the Loving God yearning to share infinite Life. The worst tragedy occurs when Jesus Himself is no more than a name muttered more often in anger than in praise.
Christians Need to Celebrate Advent
That is why we so desperately need to celebrate the Advent-Christmas Season. It is the sacred time which can open our eyes to the wonders of God’s Love.
How can we enter into a spiritual celebration of Christ’s birth? Push aside for a moment whatever represents the enchanting glitter and glare of the shopping malls. In silent emptiness, gaze at an icon of the sister of this cosmos, Mary, pregnant with God. Perhaps the only painting you posses is the one you contemplate in the quite of your own mind. Let that suffice. Now gaze at her, the Mother of God.
Mary, Mother of God; a summary of the holidays of Advent and Christmastide. The Eternal Wisdom is conceived in Mary’s womb through the overshadowing Spirit. Christ, Our God and King is growing in our sister Mary. Incarnate Love is born of her on Christmas night. Jesus, Our God, is also our Brother! We are loved infinitely by Love itself. What can separate us from the Love of God in Christ Jesus?
The icon of the pregnant Mary startles us out of our complacency and revive the deep joys of our faith.
Without formulating any words, let the omnipotence of incarnate Love living in Mary pass through the image, stirring our sluggish souls.

From time to time, The Queen will republish Editorials or create new Editorials on various topics.
Advent / Christmas is the celebration which jolts us back into the joyful experience of Infinite Love divinizing us. To experience its power, regularly gaze at the painting of Jesus living in Mary. The sacred icon is a spiritual window through which Divine Love flows into us. The image of the Mother of God opens up into infinity for the Child she carries is Christ God. Contemplating the THEOTOKOS, we are renewed by Life itself now our Brother in and through the faith-filled womb of Mary.
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Mary, Mother of God
Mary, Mother of God. Luke expresses the joy of our salvation when he depicts Elizabeth greeting Mary. “How can it be the Mother of my LORD should come to me”? As early as the third century, the Church summarizes in jubilant praise the marvels God works in us when it prays; “We fly to thy patronage, O Holy Mother of God“. When fifth century heretics so misconstrued the reality of Jesus, the response of the Council of Ephesus (431 AD) was the formal promulgation of the already celebrated name THEOTOKOS; Mother of God. It is a synopsis of the wonders of our Christ-centered faith. The evangelical title proclaims that the Child in her womb, fully human, is at the same time, fully divine. Through Mary, Infinite Light is born into our darkness and transforms it into the radiance of God.
Advent / Christmas is the celebration which jolts us back into the joyful experience of Infinite Love divinizing us. To experience its power, regularly gaze at the painting of Jesus living in Mary. The sacred icon is a spiritual window through which Divine Love flows into us. The image of the Mother of God opens up into infinity for the Child she carries is Christ God. Contemplating the THEOTOKOS, we are renewed by Life itself now our Brother in and through the faith-filled womb of Mary.