Be Careful What We Think Faith Is!: The Rich Will Find Entering Into Heaven Difficult!
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
The Rich . . .
In today’s Gospel Jesus tells us that it will be difficult for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven!
Jesus does not say the abortionist, the drug dealers or some other evil doer … will be difficult to enter heaven. He says the rich will… find it difficult!
Jesus does not give these other things a free pass into heaven. But sometimes Christians give ourselves a free pass. We think . . . at least we did not do drugs, or some other thing. Christians have a habit of thinking we are doing better than we really are!
Wealth. . . it will be difficult! It is serious enough that Jesus talks about it. In today’s world we need to pause to understand what Jesus is saying. How difficult it is for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven!
If one is about to say, I am not rich, so I do not have to worry about this statement from Jesus. No, that is not the point! The point is not the quantity of our material wealth. It is not how large a paycheck one receives. It is what masters the human heart.
Hear more about this topic, an important one for all believers of Jesus. Meditate on this topic.

The Merchants Chased from the Temple: French Painter: James Tissot: 1886
Part of the online collection of the Brooklyn Museum.
The point is not the quantity of our material wealth. It is not how large a paycheck one receives. It is what masters the human heart.
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Be Careful What We Think Faith Is!: The Rich Will Find Entering Into Heaven Difficult!