The Parable of the Good and Bad Seeds
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
The Parable of the Good and Bad Seeds
In today’s Gospel, the topic is sowing of the seeds. At times, the Gospel references seeds in different ways. Today’s Gospel, there are good and bad seeds.
The Bible, in general, is at times difficult to read. Not everyone will understand its meaning. Often, even transparent readings . . . have deeper meanings that are often misunderstood or not realized. Often, when we run into this, Christians seek deeper meaning, or an explanation, from the wrong sources. The audio explores this further.
The Homily then unpacks the Gospel reading of the good and bad seeds in a deeper way. Meditate on this Homily.
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Painting: Jesus Among the Wheat Fields: Johannes Raphael Wehle (1900)
The Parable of the Good and Bad Seeds