Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus: The Church Celebrates a Family
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
The Church Celebrates a Family
Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus
By decree, this memorial was changed from celebrating Saint Martha, to celebrating Martha, Mary and Lazarus.
The Church holds up before us a sign of holiness . . . a family. Two sisters, and a brother. The holiness that is found in the household of these siblings, is what the Church wants us all to contemplate.
Jesus is found several times in their home. This family welcomes Jesus, perhaps differently than other families. The Lord feels at home . . . in their home.
One of the ideas we should all meditate on . . .is the idea of holiness. All holiness is not the same. This family . . . three people, had different relationships with the Lord. Yet, they were all holy. The audio explores this idea further.
Each of us are given a specific gift, a specific way in relating to Jesus. A gift that is a powerful and life giving relationship with Jesus.
The Church asks for us to reflect on our own relationships with our family members. How?
Hear more about the specific gifts and specific ways this family relates to Jesus. Hear more about the relationship gift we all have been given within this Meditation Media.
Return to Meditation for the Week Media
The Church celebrates this memorial on July 29th.

Christ in the House of Martha and Mary: Dutch Painter: Jan Vermeer van Delft: 1654

Raising of Lazarus: Danish Painter: Carl Bloch: 1870
Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus: The Church Celebrates a Family