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Mary and the Blessed Trinity

Fr. Jean Morinay, SMM

Fr. Morinay’s article originally appeared in the French Montfort magazine “Le Regne de Jesus par Marie”.

It was originally translated by Fr. Roger Charest, SMM.

Mary and the Blessed Trinity


Many Christians do not realize the importance of Mary’s role in their lives. For them, Christ alone suffices. However, as Pope John Paul II says: “True Devotion to the Virgin Mary is revealed more and more to the very person who advances into the mystery of Christ, the Word incarnate, and into the Trinitarian mystery of salvation.” (Be not Afraid, by André Frossard, St. Martin’s Press, N.Y. p. 125).

What is at stake here is the role that we must allot to Mary in our lives based on her three-fold relationship to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Her Relationship to the Father

Mary (who is already daughter of the Father) represents the “Mother”.  The new life, which we have received in Baptism, is no stranger to our human life so that, as St. Louis de Montfort puts it; “Just as in natural and bodily generation there is a father and a mother, so in the supernatural and sp1ritual generation there is a father who is God and a mother who is Mary”.  (T.D. No. 30).  If we only had God as our Father, we would be orphans without a mother and our divine life would not be human.

Her Relationship to the Son

Mary (who is already “Mother of the Son” in his humanity) also represents the Woman at the side of the Man-Jesus. Just as the ancient humanity was created beginning with a man and a woman known as “Adam and Eve,” so the new humanity recreated with the birth of Jesus (His death and Resurrection) was born of an new man, Jesus, the new Adam – but also of a new woman, Mary, the new Eve. (I Cor. 15, 23-45; T.D., 53, 175).  If the new humanity originated from a man only and not from a woman also, it would not be a “humanity”.

The Assumption of Mary: Dutch Painter: Pieter Fransz. de Grebber: 1648

What is at stake here is the role that we must allot to Mary in our lives based on her three-fold relationship to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

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Mary’s Relationship with the Holy Spirit

Mary represents all of humanity. The Holy Spirit does not do everything by Himself. Because He is Love personified, He invites the loved-one to participate in His saving work. The Virgin Mother, therefore, represents with the Church (is she not the Church in its perfections?) and with us, the participation of humanity in the Works of the Holy Spirit. To quote St. Louis de Montfort; “the Holy Spirit formed Jesus only through her, and he forms the members of the Mystical Body and dispenses his gifts and his favors only through her”. (T.D. No. 140).  How great the Church called, in Mary, to participate in the formation
of the “Body of Christ!”

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