A Little Book with A Worldwide Appeal
Fr. Roger M. Charest , SMM
This year celebrates the 180th anniversary of the re-discovery of True Devotion
and the 160th year anniversary of its translation into English.
W hen St. Louis Marie de Montfort wrote his treatise on “True Devotion To Mary,” he must have sensed that the devil was fuming (no pun intended) more than usual at what our Saint was writing.
Here is how Father de Montfort put it: “I clearly foresee that raging hearts will come in fury to tear to pieces with their diabolical teeth this little book and the one the Holy Spirit made use of to write it, or they will cause it at least to lie hidden in the darkness and silence of a chest and to prevent it from seeing the light of day.”
He then went on to say: “They will even attack and persecute those who read it and put into practice what it contains. But, no matter! So much the better! It even gives me encouragement to hope for great success at the prospect of a mighty Legion of brave and valiant soldiers of Jesus and Mary, both men and women, who will fight the devil, the world, and corrupt nature in the perilous times that are sure to come.”(T.D. No. 114).
The fact is, the manuscript did lie hidden in a chest and buried in the ground during the French Revolution. It was [re-] discovered only in 1842, one hundred and twenty six years after Montfort’s death, (See story in “Jesus Living in Mary,” p. 1212).
It’s Appeal . . .
Since its “discovery,” the “True Devotion To Mary” by St. Louis Marie de Montfort has been published in some four-hundred editions and in more than thirty languages. The momentum of the book worldwide shows no signs of slowing down. The intrinsic value and the universal appeal of this little book is the only answer to its world-wide popularity. It is obvious that the Montfort Community itself cannot stake a claim to its success around the world. The reason, of course is that the book has reached countries and areas of the world where there are no Montfort Fathers, Brothers or Sisters.

At the same time, I would venture to warn the reader that one perusal will be very far from making him master of it. If I may dare to say so, there is a growing feeling of something inspired and supernatural about it, as we go on studying it; and with that, we cannot help experiencing after repeated readings of it, that its novelty never seems to wear off, nor its fullness to be diminished, nor the fresh fragrance and sensible fire of its unction ever to abate.
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One of the reasons for its world- wide appeal, especially today, is the faithful adherence of St. Louis de Montfort’s doctrine to the teachings of the Magisterium of the Church. Another reason is that it is centered on the great mystery. The mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God in Mary’s womb. The first sentence of the book reads thus: “It is through the Blessed Virgin Mary that Jesus Christ came into the world, and it is also through her that he must reign in the world.”
. . . is World-Wide
We know that the first part of the Saint’s manuscript on True Devotion is missing. It was never found. We know that ln No. 228 of the True Devotion, de Montfort calls the reader’s attention to: “as I have recommended in the first part of this preparation for the reign of Jesus Christ.” This reference to a text that is no longer in existence has led many historians to believe that the title Montfort may have given to his manuscript was: “Preparation for the Reign of Jesus Christ.”
There is one reason, in my opinion, for the universal appeal of this little book. It was given by Father Frederick William Faber. He is the founder of the Oratory in London. He is also a convert from Anglicanism. And one of the most popular spiritual writers of the 19th century, in England. Father Faber was the first to translate Fr. de Montfort’s treatise on True Devotion into English. It was published in 1862, twenty years after its discovery.
Mary Teaches Us Something New Each Time One Reads It
In his preface to the book, Father Faber writes: “I have translated the whole treatise myself, and have taken great pains with it . . . I would venture to warn the reader that one perusal will be very far from making him master of it. If I may dare to say so. There is a growing feeling of something inspired and supernatural about it, as we go on studying it; and with that, we cannot help experiencing after repeated readings of it, a special feeling. That its novelty never seems to wear off; nor its fullness to be diminished; nor the fresh fragrance and sensible fire of its unction ever to abate. May the Holy Ghost, the Divine zealot of Jesus and Mary deign to give a new blessing to this work in England”, etc. .
If this doesn’t throw light on this miraculous worldwide, spirit-propelled little book, I don’t know what will.
Of all the modern day promoters of the de Montfort Spirituality, embodied ln this little book called True Devotion To Mary, I would point to Pope John Paul II. He has told the world more than once that the reading and studying of this little book, True Devotion To Mary, was “a turning point” in his life. It’s no wonder that when our Superior General told him, that we (the Montfort Community), “are all working for the Doctorate of Montfort, he replied: Good! Good!”
If that should happen, wouldn’t that be a great step forward towards the establishment of the Reign of Christ through Mary as Father de Montfort prayed for and wrote in his little book, True Devotion to Mary? How about joining in prayer with the Montfort Communities throughout the world for this worthy (establishment of the Reign of Christ through Mary) intention?