Whoever Has Ears Ought to Hear
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
Whoever has Ears . . .
A strange statement! What else does one do with ears? Every once in awhile, Jesus says the obvious. However, on second look, it may not be so obvious. He is making a statement about our hearing, and the lack of it.
Hear what? On any given day, what do we listen to? There is an incredible amount of sound. When we experience silence, some become disoriented. Much of the sound we hear today, is actually just noise. Background sounds. We may not be conscience of listening to the noise, but it fills our ears. Listen to this audio and understand the other types of “listening”.
There is another voice, that is often over-looked because it is easier to listen to the noise. That other voice is the voice of Christ. Whoever has ears ought to listen. Hear more about the discipline of listening to the right voice. Hear about how today’s Gospel should influence our living and spiritual life.

The Crossing of the Red Sea: French Painter: Nicolas Poussin: 1633
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Whoever Has Ears Ought to Hear