Open Your Heart to Jesus
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
Open Your Heart to Jesus
T he Gospel story tells us Jesus says the cities, which were immoral and committed great sins, will have an easier time on the day of judgement than those who have not committed those great sins. Wait! Isn’t that backwards? Not according to Jesus.
Lets apply that to today’s world. Is it possible that abortionists will have an easier time than some of us on the day of judgement? Is it possible that people who do wickedness and appear on the daily news, will have an easier time than some of us? Wow! That is a disturbing thought. How can that be?
When we see violence and injustice on the news and those that say … at least I am not that bad! Jesus is speaking to us! For those that say I am on the right side of … fill in the sin, Jesus is speaking to us! Just because we think we are on the right side … that we are not that bad for not committing … x-y-z sin, do not think that gets you ahead.
It’s a remarkable statement He makes in the Gospel. There is something greater than “not doing those things”. It is opening your heart when My Grace comes to you. Closing your heart to My Grace (on some levels) is a bigger crime than any of those other things.
Listen to the importance of this statement in the Gospel in our Spiritual Life.

Let the Children Come to Me: German Painter: Carl Christian Vogel von Vogelstein: 1788 – 1868
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Open Your Heart to Jesus