Christianity is a Revealed Religion
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
Christianity is a Revealed Religion
T his statement is important to understand. Christianity is not something we arrive at on our own.
It is not revealed to us by means of our own thinking. By definition, when something is revealed, it has been hidden. It is not obvious. If something is revealed to me, I did not understand or know it on my own.
When we state that Christianity is revealed to us, it says something. It says something how God relates to us. While some knowledge of God is known to all, true and intimate knowledge of God only comes when the Lord reveals Himself.
No one knows the Father, except the Son, and to those the Son wishes to reveal …
Find out how this revealing impacts our own Spiritual Life.

Jesus: French Painter: Emile Munier: 1893
Emile Munier was a student of French Painter William-Adolphe Bouguereau (who also has numerous artwork on the QoAH website).
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Christianity is a Revealed Religion