The Kingdom of Heaven Is At Hand! What Does That Mean?
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
Jesus Sends the Apostles Into the World
The Lord Gives His Apostles Authority!
When Jesus sends His Apostles out in the world, he doesn’t simply send them out to preach. He doesn’t send them out to help others. He sends the Apostles out in the world and gives them authority.
The Lord, who has authority, calls his twelve Apostles to Himself, and vests them with authority. Many of us miss this point. Jesus, at this time is not acting as a Rabbi or a prophet. He is acting as Lord, and Ruler and King. He has authority, received from His Father. Jesus now shares His authority with these twelve disciples. They are clothed with His own authority.
These disciples are sent, not to act in their own sense of mission. Rather, they are sent to act in His authority and His mission. The message they are to proclaim is “the kingdom of Heaven is at hand”. These disciples are agents of the kingdom. Note the message. The kingdom is at hand! Note the implication as these twelve agents arrive in a community. When they arrive, … so has the kingdom! Why? Because of the authority of the kingdom has arrived with them!
The kingdom of Heaven is at hand. The kingdom did not come someplace else. It did not come yesterday. The kingdom is at hand. It means it is immediately present to you and me! Remarkable!
The kingdom of Heaven is at hand. What does that mean for us? How should that impact our Spiritual Life? Listen more to this Gospel and Homily.

Jesus Sends Out Disciples Two By Two: French Painter: James Tissot: 1886
This painting resides in the Brooklyn Museum.
These disciples are sent, not to act in their own sense of mission. Rather, they are sent to act in His authority and His mission. The message they are to proclaim is “the kingdom of Heaven is at hand”. These disciples are agents of the kingdom.
Note the message. The kingdom is at hand! Note the implication as these twelve agents arrive in a community. When they arrive, … so has the kingdom! Why? Because of the authority of the kingdom has arrived with them!
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The Kingdom of Heaven Is At Hand! What Does That Mean?