The Seven Classes of False Devotion to Mary

Our Lady from the parish St. Paul the Apostle in Brookville, NY
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The Seven Classes of False Devotion to Mary
When considering Devotion to Mary, there are a number of false devotions to Mary. Specifically, there are seven mistakes one can make in their devotion to Mary, according to St. Louis de Montfort. These seven classes of false devotions to Mary are:
1. Critical Devotion to Mary: this mistake is one of intellectual and spiritual pride. It is found by those that do not deny devotion to Mary exists, because the Church states that it does. So they do not deny it. They think devotion to Mary is nice, but a real prayer life does not need Mary any more. They do not deny devotion to Mary, but they do not promote it and they certainly do not live it.
2. A Scrupulous Devotion: This mistake is actually common, says Fr. De Montfort. At various points in our lives, almost all Christians have experienced this mistake. Scrupulous applies to Fear. It is the fear of making a mistake. A scrupulous person pays attention to get everything exactly right, and if it is not exactly right, it is bad. They are afraid of making a mistake, and becomes paralyzed. It comes from the desire to get it right, but it is disordered. Often times the question in people lives: Is paying attention to Mary, distracting from Jesus. Hear more on this mistake in the audio.
3. An Interested Devotion to Our Lady: Its what I get from you that is the basis of the relationship. Every time something is needed, one speaks to Our Lady. But that is the only time they speak. That is Interested Devotion and it is not grounded on love, but grounded upon “what I need at a specific time”. When the crisis passes, where is the devotion? Sleeping, until the next crisis. This is not really a Devotion, but rather a mistaken in thinking it actually is a devotion.
4. A Superficial or Shallow Devotion to Our Lady: It only exists on the surface, but has no depth. Several examples of this shallowness is discussed. This mistake is increasing in today’s world.
5. Inconstant Devotion to Our Lady: This is the biggest mistake one can make. It is at times when one has a tug in their heart to pray to Our Lady and, perhaps, say the Holy Rosary. A period of time goes by and we are spot on with our Spiritual Life. The after a week or so, our discipline of prayer wanes. Inconstant spiritual life is considered the big mistake.
6. Presumptuous Devotion: If Inconstancy is the big mistake, presumptuous is the most dangerous mistake! This mistake takes for granted the presence of Our Lady. There is no attempt to relate to Our Lady, but the person always assumes that Mary will always be there in time of need . Similar to Interested Devotion. This takes the mercy of God and the goodness of Our Lady for granted. Several examples of this dangerous mistake is also presented. This mistake can place one’s soul at risk. Hear more about this mistake.
7. Hypocritical Devotion: A person that says one thing and does another. A person that says the right things, but has something else in his heart. Wanting to appear holy, to disguise a lack of holiness. There is an appearance of devotion to Our Lady, without having a devotion to Our Lady.
For most Christians, the primary mistakes center around #2 through #6. Mistakes #1 and #7 are mistakes where they acknowledge Mary, but either do not take serious devotion to Our Lady, or one that gives a false appearance, but have no interest in a true devotion to Our Lady. Therefore, practically, mistake classes #2 through #6 are where Christians need to be aware and focus on not falling into these traps.
Now that these mistakes are understood, the recommendation is if one has been making one or more mistakes, one knows where to begin in their spiritual life by addressing one mistake at a time.
In the next Spiritual Insight: The Five Marks of Genuine Devotion are discussed. Devotion to Mary can occur in a number of ways. However, whatever way it roots itself, it must have these five marks of Devotion. In understanding these five marks, one can begin perfecting their Devotion to Our Lady.
This audio was recorded in a retreat in Mobile, Alabama. The quality of the audio is good, but not great, as some feedback was experienced at times. However, we ask you to focus on this message. We pray you find this spiritual message helpful in your own Spiritual Journey.