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Feast Day of St Peter and St Paul

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

Feast Day of St Peter and St Paul


On  this day we celebrate two Apostles who are witnesses for the Church. They died giving witness. Each died as a prisoner. They gave their lives freely. This is important to meditate upon.

The Homily discusses the first reading and the chaining of  St. Peter  within his cell. He has two guards next to him. The lesson for us is . . . the Gospel can not be chained. The Gospel is always free. Herod had just had the Apostle James killed, and was planning to do the same to Peter. But the Gospel can not be locked up and bound.

Why do we celebrate St. Peter and St. Paul? They are not just witnesses. They are not just martyrs. These men, and their words, witness to the end of Earth. Jesus trusted Peter with the Church. Paul, who goes out to the corners of the world and spreads the Good News.

Hear more why this Feast Day is one of the oldest Feasts celebrated by the Church.

St. Peter and St. Paul: Spanish Painter: El Greco: 1592

Feast Day of St Peter and St Paul

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