Q&A: The Handbook of the Spirituality of Saint Louis de Montfort is absolutely beautiful. But I’m overwhelmed by its many articles and the variety of the contents. Where do I begin reading?
Fr. Gaffney, SMM
Jesus Living In Mary Handbook
There are a variety of methods by which the Handbook may be systematically studied. Many may want to browse through topics which most interest them. This can be done quite easily since each article to a great extent stands on its own.
However, some may want to follow a more organized course. For example, a beginner in the study of spirituality and specifically of Saint Louis de Montfort and his spirituality would do well to begin with the article “Path of Perfection” which explains the general call to holiness which God lovingly extends to all. This should be followed by “French School of Spirituality” which clarifies the specific spirituality which most influenced Saint Louis de Montfort. The article on Montfort himself would then be studied along with “Milieu.” These articles should supply sufficient back-ground to study those dealing explicitly with Montfort Spirituality.
And concerning Saint Louis de Montfort’s spirituality itself, you may want to begin with an examination of the saint’s works: “True Devotion,” “Secret of Mary,” “Love of the Eternal Wisdom,” “Hymns,” “Little Crown, ” “Triptych.” Works of Montfort are also found within other articles, e.g., “Cross,” “Rosary.” There are certain key articles on important themes of Montfort Spirituality which may be studied in the following order:
“Trinity,” “Wisdom,” “Jesus Christ,” “Holy Spirit, ” “Mary, ” “Consecration.” There are subdivisions of each group. For example, to better understand the article “Trinity” it would be well to examine “God,” “Providence,” “Grace.” And you will find a summary of these major themes in “Montfort Spirituality.” A grasp of these topics would surely entitle you to pick and choose through the rest of the articles!
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