Artwork of the Queen of All Hearts Magazine: Look What’s Coming in October!
Project Teams: Queen of All Hearts Website and The Queen
Celebrating The Queen
As we continue the Digitalization Project of the magazine, we also celebrate our second year of The Queen. We thought it would be fun, however, to look back on the amazing covers and artwork of the original Queen of All Hearts Magazine. Nearly six decades of art work graced the original publication. So many blessed souls and volunteers contributed to the original publication. Contributed to its mailings every two months for fifty six years. Queen of All Hearts will make available in October a new and additional site. The site’s focus is on the artwork from the original magazine. The cover images and their story appear on their own page. And more artwork will be added as these treasures are digitized.
We recommend using a computer to visually see the artwork, to permit viewing larger images. Only a portion of the artwork has been digitalized. As each year’s publication articles are made available, each publication’s artwork is added to this site. Check back periodically to see the Highlighted Artwork, as well as newly added artwork.
As one looks at the artwork, it is our prayer that with so many images of Our Lady and Our Lord, they enrich your own Spiritual Journey.
Introducing What’s Coming in October!
T his cover commemorates the golden jubilee of Montfort’s canonization: features the giant full-color banner that hung from the outside balcony, above the main doors of St. Peter’s, in Rome, July 20, 1947. Montfort is portrayed kneeling at the feet of Jesus and Mary. His left hand outstretched and his right hand over his heart. This symbolizes his Total Consecration to Jesus Through Mary.
This artwork graced the July 1997 Queen of All Hearts Magazine.