Queen of All Hearts Website: 2021 Upcoming Features
Project Teams: Queen of All Hearts Website and The Queen
During the remaining months of 2021, Queen of All Hearts will present Featured Media and new articles within The Queen. To permit our members a glimpse of what is to come during the months ahead, here are some portions of the schedule of Featured Media. Questions? Feel free to let us know using the comments / questions process outlined under The Queen menu.

The Queen: Articles:
Volume #008: May – June 2021
The Beauty, Goodness and Grace of Mary
What is Beauty, Goodness and Grace?
What exactly is Beauty, Goodness and Grace? This month this question is answered with eight articles on Mary in The Queen! It is difficult to imagine the depth of the gifts given by God to Mary. These articles originally appeared in the Queen of All Hearts Magazine over a two year period. The Queen is excited to publish these articles together, because we believe they enable the reader to formalize a special spiritual image of Our Blessed Mother.

Spiritual Media: Early June
Special Devotional Series: The Mass
Last year, because of the pandemic, we all hungered for the day we could attend Mass and receive Communion. Queen of All Hearts presents this Special Devotional Series: The Mass in three sections. The first set includes recordings of three media, captured a few days prior to the re-opening of the Parishes and the Shrine. The goal of this Special Devotional Series is to enable a deeper understanding of the Mass and of the Presence of the Lord.
The second section expands upon media about the Mass (2 sets of 15 minute audio), and four articles.
The third section’s focus is on Holy Communion. Again, 3 sets of audio and three articles, including: Preparing for Jesus With Mary at Holy Communion!
We encourage all QoAH members to listen and read the media. In doing so, we know it will deepen your understanding and empower a fuller appreciation of the Mass.

The Queen: Articles:
Volume #009: July – August 2021
Mary, In the Gospel of Luke: The Annunciation
If you follow the Spirituality of St. Louis de Montfort, as the saint says, you must have an affinity for The Annunciation. This month, The Queen first invites you to read St. Luke’s Annunciation passage, then read these nine articles, which analyzes each component of this story. Use this learning and reading exercise as inputs to your own meditation. The insights presented over this body of work are amazing.

Spiritual Media:
Mid-July through Mid-August
At Prayer With the Mother of God
What is Spiritual Prayer? When this questions is asked, many people say it’s the reciting of prayers, such as the Our Father, Hail Mary, or the Psalms. Some will say its talking to God! These answers are only partially true. Prayer is the gift we make of our time and attention to God. It is our gift to God! It is time set aside for one’s faith, for one’s soul and one’s spirit.
There are two different types of prayer. The first is Vocal Prayer. Vocal prayer is the reciting of the Our Father, the Hail Mary and the Psalms, either out loud or to ourselves. Vocal prayer is important and necessary. The second type of prayer is called Mental Prayer and it is the fountain from which all other prayers, and our spiritual prayer life, flows. Mental Prayer is a process, and it is how Our Lord communicates to Us!
What an interesting statement; since many have not heard of the term Mental Prayer, how can it be the fountain from where all other prayers flow? In the first audio, Preparing to Pray with the Mother of God, the conference audio defines Mental Prayer. Mental Prayer is the process one follows to actually enter into the presence of Our Lady and Our Lord. Mental Prayer consists of four movements: Thinking: Studying (or Learning), Meditation and Contemplation.
Find out more about Mental Prayer. Potentially use the Annunciation articles as part of the Mental Prayer process.

Spiritual Media:
Queenship of Mary
You Christians pay too much attention to Mary! Have you ever heard this before? Why do you spend so much time honoring Mary? The answer is one word! God! Because God Himself does so! There is nothing in the honoring of Mary that does not involve the Glory of the Almighty God! Our Lady was not Crowned in Glory when she was Assumed into Heaven. She was Crowned in Glory when God first thought of Our Lady to be the woman in the fullness of time! When was she Crowned with Glory?
Listen to this first of two Featured Media on the Queenship. Listen to this first (21 minutes audio) Homily during the Mass of the Feast; The Queenship of Mary. Listen to the greatness of what is actually celebrated on this Feast Day.

Spiritual Media: October
Secret of the Most Holy Rosary: Video
Praying the Holy Rosary….
God has attached to it grace in this life, and glory in the next.
The actual title of this writing, given by St. Louis de Montfort, is THE ADMIRABLE SECRET OF THE MOST HOLY ROSARY so that one converts and is saved. This very long title, commonly referred to as the Secret of the Rosary (SR), is the basis for the Secret that Fr. de Montfort communicates in the video series.
When we speak of the Holy Rosary, it is not only a tool that is used for contemplation or meditation, but most importantly a means for transformation of hearts. This is the secret that Fr. de Montfort came by during his years of missions. It became an essential tool not only for his missions, but his own spiritual life.
Use the Meditation teachings from the At Prayer with the Mother of God, and the learning from the Annunciation Series to meditate on the mystery of the Annunciation as you say the Rosary this month.

From the Queen of All Hearts Magazine’s September 1954 edition.
The Queen: The Covers and Artwork
from the original Queen of All Hearts Magazine
In October, The Queen will be celebrating its second anniversary! Last year The Queen took a poll as to the favorite articles and favorite art work. This year, as The Queen’s project to digitize and bring to social media the treasures of the original Queen of All Hearts Magazine continues, we thought it would be fun to display some of the covers and art work from that publication.
So, for the magazine’s art work from which The Queen has either published or is awaiting publication, these covers will be on display starting in October. Currently there are approximately fourteen years worth of materials that have been digitized (about 25% of the total years the QoAH Magazine was in publication). Many of the covers / art work from this digitized pool of treasures, and the brief story behind them will be displayed. More information to follow.
The cover that appears at the left represents over 50 different images of Mary, that were sold as stamps in 1954 by the Queen of All Hearts.

Spiritual Media: Late Oct – Mid Nov.
All Saints and All Souls
All Saints: Celebrating Their Glory
On All Saints Day, we honor the saints that are in Heaven and, while they suffered on earth, they are victorious and are in Heaven having received their Crown of Glory.
We celebrate our brothers and sisters who have won the victory and share in the Crown of glory. We celebrate the Church Victorious. These words imply there was a battle and a struggle. The Church recognizes the victorious saints and celebrates them in Glory. These saints teach us a lesson. They did not take Heaven for granted. In this first audio, find out more about this Feast Day and also how the saints desire to help us … even today.
Several audio and video sets will be made available.

Spiritual Media: Mid Nov – December
Preparing for Advent
Advent. From a Latin word that means Coming. What does one think when hearing the word Advent? For some it is the Advent Wreath. While, for others it might be Preparing for Christmas. For others it might mean the Advent Calendar and a countdown to Christmas.
Advent, according to the Church, is the season observed as a time for the preparation for and remembrance of the Nativity of Jesus and preparation for His Second Coming. According to St. Bernard, there are six elements of the Advent Season. These elements are described in Conference Audio #1. This audio contains two gospels and two homilies that were recorded on the eve of Advent.
But what does the Church say on this topic? Conference audio #2 explores this in detail. Advent has four Sunday masses. The first focuses on reading from the prophet Isaiah. The next two Sundays focus on the readings from St. John the Baptist. The fourth deals with reading involving the pending events of the Nativity.
Each of these readings highlight the meaning of the Advent Season. Preparing for the Second Coming of the Lord. What does it mean to prepare for His Coming? What should we do? How should we focus on this and how should it influence how we live?
Listen to the Conference audio files to understand How to Prepare.