Q&A: Since Mary is Mediatrix of all graces, will she not give us these graces whether or not we have devotion to her?
Father Roger Charest, SMM
Question submitted by a member from Miami, Florida.
The grace of God comes to us in various mysterious ways, but always, in the present economy of salvation, through the Mediatrix of all graces. Even though, in our excusable ignorance, we are at times scarcely conscious of her maternal concern toward us, to suppose that she will give us these graces despite a deliberate disregard of devotion to her is sheer nonsense.
Mary does not force God’s grace upon anyone. Man’s cooperation is always sought. By deliberately rejecting the Blessed Virgin, an individual cuts himself off from the source of supply. Into her hands have been placed all of the graces that God’s mercy bestows upon mankind. The closer one approaches the Mediatrix of all graces, the more one is devoted to her, the more generous she will be.

Mary does not force God’s grace upon anyone. Man’s cooperation is always sought. By deliberately rejecting the Blessed Virgin, an individual cuts himself off from the source of supply. Into her hands have been placed all of the graces that God’s mercy bestows upon mankind. The closer one approaches the Mediatrix of all graces, the more one is devoted to her, the more generous she will be.
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