Forty Days: Why Does Jesus Go Into The Desert?
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
Forty Days: Why Does Jesus Go Into The Desert?
A fter a brief discussion of a rare image of Our Lady, the Gospel and Homily’s focus is on Jesus’ Temptation. When we think of Jesus in the desert, we normally think of the Gospels in Matthew and Luke. These Gospels are fuller in their description between Jesus and the tempter. In St. Mark’s Gospel, the focus is slightly different. In Mark’s Gospel there is a simple, but deceptively different statement. The account is minimalistic. However, Mark’s Gospel has a hidden power and treasure.
The Spirit drove Jesus into the Wilderness.
What does that mean? What is Mark communicating when he says Jesus is driven? The homily addresses how Jesus enters into the wilderness. Jesus must go into the wilderness. He must do it. His love compels Him to do this, but why? Hear why He must enter the wilderness and its significance.
When He does go into the desert, he is tempted by the evil one. Wow, doesn’t this happen to us in this world? What is temptation? Regardless of what type of temptation it is, one may say it is seductive. It appears to be very good. It quickens our desires, and normally provides us with a sense of paradise.
Jesus Enters The Wilderness Because Of His Love For Us!
Jesus enters the wilderness, and knows He will be tempted. Unlike us, however, He does not surrender to it. He does not surrender to temptation. He does this, because He loves us. Why does He do it? Hear why He subjects Himself to these temptations and what it means for us! We often don’t meditate on temptation and His trials in the desert this way. We also, do not normally, relate ourselves into this story this way.
Forty days in the desert. He is victorious over sin and temptation. How does this compare to the forty days of Lent? Listen to this mystery, and see if it impacts your Lenten Meditation and your Lenten preparation.

Christ in the Dessert: Russian Painter: Ivan Kramskoi: 1872
The painting is sometimes called, Christ in the Wilderness.
Jesus enters the wilderness, and knows He will be tempted. He does this, because of His love for us!
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Forty Days: Why Does Jesus Go Into The Desert?