Why is Ash Wednesday Important?
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
Why is Ash Wednesday Important?
On this day, we come to Church to get dirt / ashes placed on us. Odd custom isn’t it? We present our heads and ask to make our heads dirty. What an interesting custom, and important to understand its strangeness. Ashes have no value, and no real practical use, yet we ask for them on this day. Ashes are what is left over after something else has been burnt away.
Why do we seek the ashes? In the Gospel, it is stated that the Father sees what is hidden. He sees our secrets. Ash Wednesday involves honesty. An honesty that echoes our first parents. When Adam and Eve first sinned, what did they do? They hid themselves from God. The could have just said to God, I am sorry. But no, they tried to hide. They tried to not be found. They tried to not be seen. The Father sees all. He sees what we all try to hide.
Humans haven’t quite learned this lesson yet. We are concerned with how we appear. Concerned with how we appear to others! In the Gospel we hear about hypocrisy. Those who try to hide their faults and sins behind a mask of goodness.
Jesus says it can not be that way for us. It can not be that way for Christians. Rather than denying, be open to God. Learn to develop a goodness that is not for show. A goodness that is not for others to see. Develop a goodness for His eyes first. Hear more about the Importance of Ash Wednesday in this Meditation Media. Hear more about this Lenten Season.

Ash Wednesday: Polish Painter: Julian Falat : 1881
Rather than denying, be open to God. Learn to develop a goodness that is not for show. A goodness that is not for others to see. Develop a goodness for His eyes first.
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Why Is Ash Wednesday Important?