The Word and Command That Formed Life
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
The Word and Command That Formed Life
In today’s readings, we hear the Word and Command of God. The first reading (not included within the audio), Genesis’ description of God’s Creation, is not meant to be a scientific description. So what does the literal words of God’s Creation tell us? If we focus on the seven days of creation and try to apply science, we may miss the point of the message. Again, what does the story mean to Christians?
The homily looks at the Genesis’ account of Creation. The Bible account begins with the Universe as a response to the Word of God. Science will not point to this truth. It is not just that God speaks and things happen. God gives a command. Let there be Light. And there is Light. The Universe is a response to the Word and Will of God.
If the Universe is an obedient response to the power of the Word of God, then note how destructive is sin. Note how destructive it is to be indifferent to the Word. The Bible begins by the Lord speaking and life comes into being from His Word. Listen to this Homily and Meditate on the impact and significance of sin. Meditate on His Word and Commands.

Creation of Adam: Italian Painter and Artist: Michelangelo: 1508-1512
Part of the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling.
If the Universe is an obedient response to the power of the Word of God, then note how destructive is sin.
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The Word and Command That Formed Life