Q&A: The title of Saint Louis de Montfort’s book, The True Devotion, seems to me to be not only snobbish but even erroneous. Why is his explanation of devotion to Mary THE true devotion to Our Lady? Aren’t other forms of devotion to her also true?
Father Roger Charest, SMM
Question submitted by a member from St. Paul, Minn.
1 can well understand why you are upset over the title of Montfort’s masterpiece on our Lady. He would be also! Don’t blame him for the title; it was given to the manuscript by its first editors after its discovery in 1842.
If we could, we would change it. However, the title is permanently glued to the book by this time. So, the best we can do is offer a sub-title, found in all recent editions of the book: Preparation for the Reign of Jesus Christ. This is the title which Saint Louis de Montfort himself appears to give to the book. What the actual title on the first page of the book may have been, we do not know, for the first 90 or so pages of the manuscript have never been found.
Saint Louis de Montfort in no way declares that his teaching on total consecration is THE true devotion to Mary. He claims no monopoly on true devotion. Montfort lists a variety of true devotions to our Lady. However, among all true devotions to Mary, he finds that the complete renewal of the baptismal vows done freely and lovingly with Mary and under her maternal influence, is the most perfect form of devotion to the Mother of God.

Saint Louis de Montfort in no way declares that his teaching on total consecration is THE true devotion to Mary . . . However, among all true devotions to Mary, he finds that the complete renewal of the baptismal vows done freely and lovingly with Mary and under her maternal influence, is the most perfect form of devotion to the Mother of God.
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