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The One Begotten from God, Does Not Sin
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
The One Begotten from God, Does Not Sin
T Today’s scripture is an example where one should not approach what is said too narrowly.
The one begotten from God, does not sin. We are begotten from God, and the Lord knows too well, we sin. If we zero in on a single verse from scripture, we may miss what Our Lord is actually telling us. So what does reading this passage imply for us? The one begotten from God, does not sin. What does this actually mean?
St John talks about sin, at first glance, in a peculiar way. If you see your brother sinning …. And it is not deadly … Pray for him. So what does that mean, and how does it help us understand the first passage? St. John is communicating something, that might not be discovered if we read scripture in a shallow way.
Praying for your brother … has everything to do with ones relationship with the Lord. All wrong doing is sin. However, some sins are not deadly. All wrong doing is sin … says St. John. Sin, in some way, cuts us off from the Lord. It closes us off to receiving grace. It damages our relationship with the Lord. But not all sin is completely destructive.
St. John is saying we must be concerned with asking the Lord for forgiveness. Not only for ourselves, but for everyone who is not behaving appropriately. St. John is saying when you see your brother sinning, pray for him/her so they may be forgiven. Pray so they be restored back to life. And who is your brother? Your fellow members of the Church – the Body of Christ.
Pray for Forgiveness: For Yourselves and For Your Brothers
Something dies within us when we sin. Pray for your forgiveness. Ask for the forgiveness of your brothers, so that life may be restored. Pray for your brother so that the fullness of life that has been given by God, may be restored. Pray not only that his heart changes. But pray that he may be strengthened and made new again.
Some sin, says St. John is deadly. What this means is this type of sin needs more than our praying for them. That is why there is a sacrament of reconciliation. Don’t ignore your private prayer for the one that commits a deadly sin. But this type of sin also requires the prayer of the Church. Listen to more on praying for forgiveness according to St. John.
So, getting back to the first passage. The one begotten from God, does not sin. St. John doesn’t speak about someone who never sins. He does not speak about someone who never does wrong. He speaks of the one begotten by God, that never wants to remain in the state of sin. Understand the difference.
Listen to this audio. Hear more on this bible passage. Listen intently about how sin impacts our relationship with God. Hear more on the topic on how to restore life and the graces of God. Listen and meditate on this media, and let it impact your own Spiritual Life.

St. John the Evangelist: Spanish Painter: Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, (Lived) 1618-1682
Something dies within us when we sin. Pray for your forgiveness. Ask for the forgiveness of your brothers, so that life may be restored. Pray for your brother so that the fullness of life that has been given by God, may be restored. Pray not only that his heart changes. But pray that he may be strengthened and made new again.
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