Q&A: Saint Louis de Montfort teaches that when a group of people say the Holy Rosary together, each one receives the merit of all the others. Is this true, and if so, would you be so kind as to give me the reference?
Father J. Patrick Gaffney, SMM
In the saint’s book, The Secret of the Rosary, he dedicates the Forty – Sixth Rose (131 – 135) to the topic of the community rosary. He specifically addresses your question ln 132,3: “One who says the rosary alone, gains only the merit of one rosary; but if he says it with thirty other people he gains the merit of thirty rosaries. This is the law of public prayer. How profitable, how advantageous this is!”
It is important that you read the entire context of these sentences. And to fully understand The Secret of the Rosary, it should only be read within the context of his primary work, the Love of the Eternal Wisdom. Saint Louis de Montfort is stating that when we are gathered together in His Name, as a faith community, then our prayer rises to God not only as an individual, but formally and explicitly as an individual in and of a community actually made one voice of praise. In that sense, we share in the merit of the entire community.
Editors Note: To understand The Secret of the Holy Rosary, in tandem with the book, the Queen of All Hearts recommends viewing the video (link). Read the notes on the bottom of the video page before viewing.