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Blessed Are Those Who Fear The Lord

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

Blessed Are Those Who Fear The Lord


F ear the Lord…what does that mean? Should we be scared / terrified of the Lord? Heaven forbid! There are two different types of Fear. Fear is necessary for a healthy Spiritual Life. The homily explains both types of Fear.

The Gospel covers the parable of three servants given three amounts of coins. The master trusts the three servants with his wealth, then goes away. The coins were distributed to the servants according to their abilities. The master knows his servants’ capabilities. He gives knowing what the servants are capable of handling. The master does not supervise. He entrusts his wealth to these servants. However, the servants handle these responsibilities differently.

Two servants place these gifts, immediately, into service. They recognize they have been given a significant gift. The servants have been given a significant responsibility and trust. They have also been given HOLY Fear. The servants do not want to disappoint their master. The homily explains what is Holy Fear.

Servants number three acts upon fear as well. But he does not act on Holy Fear. He is scared. Too scared to act wisely. He does not make use of his gifts and capabilities. He is afraid to act. Hear more about this type of Fear.

Blessed is He who Fears the Lord.

This Gospel is not just a story of three servants. It’s a story for us! We have been given abilities and talents. We are given them …not to bury these talents, but to use them in His service. In our Baptism, we have been given gifts for the service of The Body of Christ. We have not only been given talents, but we have also been given two other things. The first is … trouble. We each have our own crosses. Hear what the Lord wants from us! Hear what is the greatest gift the Lord has given to us!

Listen to this Gospel and Homily. It will not only impact your Spiritual Life, but it will help in your own Fear of The Lord.

Note. This homily was recorded at The Rock of Our Lady on the grounds of the Shrine of Our Lady of the Island when wind gusts were very high. Occasionally, the wind makes its presence known. During these times we ask for your patience, and to continue listening to this audio. It will give all listeners food for meditation. Thank you.

God The Father (cropped), Spanish Painter: Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, 1618-1682

We have been given abilities and talents. We are given them …not to bury these talents, but to use them in His service.

Blessed Are Those Who Fear The Lord

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