Dishonest Wealth and Friendship In Heaven
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
M ake friends for yourself with Dishonest Wealth. What a remarkable statement! It does not mean go out and steal. What is dishonest can not be trusted. A Dishonest Wealth has an untrustworthiness about it. It superficially promises stability, permanence, and goodness. Yet, it is proven to provide none of these things. Dishonest Wealth.
The Lord tells us that we all have some type of Dishonest Wealth. He says make friends with it. To use it in a way that a good response comes from us. Wow! What does that mean? How would we use Dishonest Wealth to gain? What type of Dishonest Wealth do we all have? Curious statements indeed!
The Lord uses this sermon to teach us about the ways of the world. But the world sees things that Heaven does not value. There is nothing here on Earth that is a real wealth. Nothing is permanent. There is no Earthly wealth that allows us to earn our way into eternity…into Heaven.
The Lord says use Dishonest Wealth…financial, physical or cultural … use them in a way, not to enrich yourself, merely in this world. Use them in a way that you acquire friendship in the eternal world! Wealth is only valuable in the service of opening the portals of the kingdom of Heaven.
We can not buy our way into Heaven. What is important is the way we use what we have…how we use it, how we give away the things that we have on earth…this is the way friendship is made in Heaven.
Hear more about this Gospel and Homily about Dishonest Wealth…and Friendship in Heaven.

The Lord says use Dishonest Wealth…financial, physical or cultural … use them in a way, not to enrich yourself, merely in this world. Use them in a way that you acquire friendship in the eternal world!
Dishonest Wealth and Friendship In Heaven