Feast of the Holy Rosary: Listen to the Voice of God!
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
T here is something in the human heart that refuses to listen. Seeing is easier. We humans see much. We see everything around us. But, if we are honest, when we see, it is shallow. Think of the many things that our eyes have seen today, but we don’t remember. We spend hours every day seeing things, when we drive, when we walk. We see so much, but we retain so little of what we see.
Your fathers saw My works, but seeing did not penetrate them. They saw My miracles as they journey to the promise land, but it did not penetrate them. It’s the same for us today. We see the blessings given to us and others. We see His goodness, but often, it does not penetrate us!
Real Seeing Comes Listening
Scripture tells us that real seeing, comes from listening. And listening is sharpen by seeing rightly. Listen, see and hear. This is strange. How does the ear impact the eyes? How do the eyes impact our ears? This is what is celebrated on this Feast Day of the Holy Rosary.
The Holy Rosary involves seeing. This is why a rushed rosary…is a terrible said rosary. Why? Because a rushed rosary only pays a passing glance to the Mysteries of Christ. However, paying attention when we say the Holy Rosary is difficult. Why? Because, as humans, its hard to stay focus and pay attention during the Holy Rosary.
The Essence of the Holy Rosary
What is the essence of the Holy Rosary? It is gazing on the face of Christ within His Mysteries. See the works of Christ. Christ’s works are greater than the miracles shown to the Israelites. Hear more in this wonderful Feast of the Holy Rosary Gospel and Homily. Hear more … and perhaps you’ll view saying the Rosary differently next time.
Listen to the key expressed in the homily. Our seeing becomes our listening. Why do we pick up the Rosary beads? To Listen to the Voice of the Lord! To Listen to the Voice of God!
Hear more in this wonderful homily on the Feast of the Holy Rosary: Listen to the Voice of God!

Our Lady of The Rosary: Italian Painter Carlo Ceresa, 1609-1679
Note: Our Lady holding the Holy Rosary and Our Lord. Our Lady gives the Holy Rosary to St. Dominic.
What is the essence of the Holy Rosary? It is gazing on the face of Christ within His Mysteries.
Feast of the Holy Rosary: Listen to the Voice of God!