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Jesus Offers His Disciples Peace

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

Jesus Offers His Disciples Peace


P eace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.

The holy days of the year are bracketed with this reading. On Holy Thursday night, at The Last Supper, we hear these words when the Lord gives us the Holy Sacrament. He says these words. A few days later on the night of Easter Sunday, the Lord appears to the disciples in the Upper Room…the place of The Last Supper, and greets them with these words.

Before entering the darkness of The Passion, and after the light and Joy of His Resurrection on Easter Sunday night, His gift to the disciples is His peace. This Prince of Peace … gives His gift to the disciples. Hours before his death, The Lord has Peace in His heart. He tells the disciples, be not afraid…fully knowing what will happen to Him. Amazing. Peace.

The Lord does not come to remove our troubles. He does not make the world an easy place to live. The Passion still awaits Him. Hardship still awaits Him. Yet He is at Peace and He freely gives His Peace to the disciples.

Find out what Peace means. Find out what false Peace means. Hear more about the Peace of Christ for the disciples…and for us! Listen to this 12 minute audio on the Peace of Christ.

Edward Armitage: English Victorian Painter: Christ Calling the Apostles: 1869

Jesus Offers His Disciples Peace

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