I Take You … (Blessed Mother) … As My Own
Feast Day of St. Louis de Montfort: Gospel and Homily
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
W oman, Behold You Son … Behold Your Mother
This Gospel was read on the recent Feast Day of St. Louis de Montfort. On the day he died, he forced himself to get out of bed for one last sermon. There were over 1000 people, most of them poor and had previously heard Fr. de Montfort sermons. He spoke of the tenderness and gentleness of Christ, who on His Cross saves us all.
The focus of this homily covers several topics, but is included with this series of media because of its important message of receiving the Lord, … for going to the Lord in Holy Communion. At a time when we were not permitted to gather and receive this Sacrament, we appreciate receiving Our Lord through Holy Communion.
So what does this audio have to do with Holy Communion? Fr. de Montfort outlines the process for how all Christians, especially Queen of All Hearts’ members, should receive Holy Communion…in union with Mary. Entrusting Our Lady in everything. To submit ourselves, in humility to her, who knows the Lord the best. To surrender himself and to take (Our Lady) her for my own. How?
We encourage you to listen to this 20 minute audio. It explains why we are listening to this Gospel today. It is a lesson for us all. The audio refers to Fr. de Montfort’s affinity for this Gospel passage; … he loved this passage in a deeply personal way. The moment of receiving Our Lady by the Beloved Disciple.
This passage also is expanded upon, so we also may Take Her for Our Own. Listen to how all Queen of All Hearts’ Members should do the same, including what to do just before Holy Communion.
We pray you enjoy this Special Publication of Media as we return to our Parishes! We also pray you enjoy the fullness of Mass and the Holy Sacraments that Jesus and Mary desires for you!

The Top Image is the Queen of All Hearts Statue at the Shrine on the Feast Day of St. Louis de Montfort
I Take You … Blessed Mother … As My Own