The more we honor the Blessed Mother, the more we honor Jesus Christ. (St. Louis de Montfort TD)
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Reign of Jesus Christ, Through Mary
If anyone wishes to perform The Act of Total Consecration (or for that manner, Living the Life of Consecration), to gain any fullness in doing so, that person must read The Secret of Mary, and True Devotion.
True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin is considered to be the greatest of all Marian publications from any author. Written by St. Louis de Montfort in the early 1700’s, it was lost after his death in 1716. It was rediscovered in 1842 and is published in many languages. This document is, without question, the work most attributed to spreading the name of and devotion to Mary that has marked Fr. de Montfort’s spiritual journey.
Fr. de Montfort was not the originator of devotion to Our Lady, “having read nearly every book on devotion to the Blessed Virgin” (TD 118). Fr. de Montfort never preached on the topic of The Act of Total Consecration. He preached on the topic of Perfect Devotion (or Perfect Consecration to Jesus).
Now, of all God’s creatures Mary is the most conformed to Jesus. It therefore follows that, of all devotions, devotion to her makes for the most effective and conformity to him. That is why perfect consecration to Jesus is but a perfect and complete consecration of oneself to the Blessed Virgin, which I teach; or in other words, it is the perfect renewal of the vows and promises of holy baptism. (TD 120)
Anyone can read the True Devotion book. And this is perfectly fine. Truly, as many scholars insist, this book will transform one’s Spiritual Life. However, to gain further insights, we recommend you use the video series in tandem with the book. Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM takes us through this video series. The purpose of the tandem use is not to follow along paragraph by paragraph as Fr. Hugh has lead us in other videos (such as the SM Video series). This video series covers the major topics and elaborates on them more fully within each chapter and does not examine every paragraph. There are 20 video chapters to the True Devotion series (most are approximately 20-25 minutes in length). We suggest you listen to the video chapters, and then read the TD book chapters.
The chapter numbers are slightly different than the current version of True Devotion. Indeed, there are a few adaptations that have been released over the years. Therefore, the table below relates the Video chapters and the stated chapters mentioned in the video for the book to the TD reference paragraph numbers. Despite the subtle differences in names, the reference numbers should allow you to find a specific Video chapter. We recommend watching roughly three videos (or slightly more than an hour) each sitting, then reading the corresponding reference numbers as you work through the video series. However, that is a recommendation, not a rule.
We hope you find this insightful and informative. We believe every Christian should read this book. The video is lengthily, and much is discussed in this video series. However, treat this as a Spiritual Pilgrimage and work through the tandem of video and book. In the end, we believe it will dramatically impact every Christian’s Spiritual Life.
Video Chapters and Corresponding Reference Paragraph Numbers:
Lastly, this video series was produced in conjunction with the Apostolate for Family Consecration ( We thank them for the ability to make this video series available to all who are interested in understanding and following the Spirituality preached by St. Louis de Montfort.
The Video above contains several chapters. The video will begin playing Chapter 1. To advance to another chapter, just double click the chapter thumbnail and it will begin. Additionally, the current video can be advanced by clicking anywhere on the timeline.