The Cross is, according to my belief, the greatest mystery of Eternal Wisdom! (St. Louis de Montfort)
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The Cross is, according to my belief, the greatest mystery of Eternal Wisdom! (St. Louis de Montfort)
This Letter to the Friends of the Cross, written late in St. Louis de Montfort’s ministry, is very challenging and a very strong document. It is written to a community who take their Christian Life and Spiritual Life seriously, and had a desire to live a deeper Spiritual Life. This group was “animated” or formed by St. Louis de Montfort, who had spent time previously on missions with the group. Circumstances prevented his immediate return to provide spiritual guidance, but after reflection on the Cross of Jesus, wrote this letter. It was not written for the entire parish. It was written to this group who desired something more out of their faith life.
If anyone wishes to follow me, let him deny himself, pick up his cross and follow me.
The Letter to the Friends of the Cross analyzes this line or quote from the Bible, and what it really means. This video series contain the major components of this Letter, and the teachings of the St. Louis de Montfort. For today’s souls who, like this FC group, desire more in their Spiritual Life, join us and take a pilgrimage by viewing this video series along with the book (Letter to the Friends of the Cross). We believe it will impact your prayers and your own spiritual journey.
Montfort Publications publishes the Letter to the Friends of the Cross (English) and should be used in tandem with this video series.
The Video Series follow these approximately references.
Each of the videos average about 24 minutes in length, and therefore the total video series is less than two hours. We suggest you view the video chapters, then read the passages (paragraphs). We also suggest that it may be best to view the videos in either two or three sittings, rather than trying to view all the videos at once (ie; View Ch 1 & 2, Ch 3 & 4, and conclude with Video Ch 5).
Lastly, this video series was produced in conjunction with the Apostolate for Family Consecration ( We thank them for the ability to make this video series available to all who are interested in understanding and following the Spirituality preached by St. Louis de Montfort.
The Video above contains five chapters. The video will begin playing Chapter 1. To advance to another chapter, just double click the chapter thumbnail and it will begin. Additionally, the current video can be advanced by clicking anywhere on the timeline.
In some browsers, Chapters 2 through 5 may not begin automatically after the conclusion of the prior chapter. If this happens, simply double click on the chapter and it will begin.