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The Virginity of Mary

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

T he Virginity of Mary

This devotional Series is taking us on a journey, which will lead us to the renewal of our consecration, as well as the Shrine’s under the title: Shrine of Our Lady of the Island, Dedicated to Mary, Queen of All Hearts. Queen of All Hearts is a title that is dear to St. Louis de Montfort as it captures the essence of his Marian Spirituality.

In the beginning of May we united in prayer with the Bishops of Our Countries (Canada and the United States) renewing the countries’ consecration under the title of Mary, Mother of the Church. Rather than just saying a prayer on that day, we have dedicated the month of May to know Our Lady better. This devotional series does so in two preparatory ways. The first is a series of conferences that explores more fully the titles of Our Lady using the Church’s prayer the Litany of Loreto. The second way is celebrating the Great Novena to Mary, Queen of All Hearts.

In the prior two conferences, we focus on: Our Lady and the Blessed Trinity, and the Mother of God.

The Virginity of the Woman First Announced

This conference’s focus is on The Virginity of Mary. Specifically, the conference focuses on the meaning of Virgin of Virgins. In scripture, the issue of virginity is important and it gives a clear and compelling voice by the prophet Isaiah (Ch. #7 – see slide #1 below). The Lord Himself shall give you a sign. Behold a Virgin Shall Conceive and Bear a Son … This is remarkable. The Lord Himself will give the great sign. Deeper than the underworld and higher than the glory of heaven, He gives this great sign. It is a sign that salvation has come! The audio explains the glory of this sign more fully.

The Annunciation: Dutch Painter: Joos van Clev: 1525

On display at The Met in New York City

The Glory

The audio recounts the Glory of Mary. She is completely and gloriously a Virgin, while also completely and gloriously the Mother of God. A Virgin and Mother. In a prior conference, we heard in the Gospel God proclaim of a Woman…(Genesis 3:15)…told to us in the Garden of Eden. Now, God gives the sign of The Woman will bear a Son… The identity of The Woman becomes clearer. The Woman is also a Virgin. Hear how the glory of Virginity and Motherhood are intertwined.

The Church

Since the early days of the Church, it never tires in calling Mary, The Virgin Mary, The Blessed Virgin Mary, and The Holy Virgin Mary. Fr. de Montfort uses the name regularly The Most Holy Virgin. Seven hundred years before the Incarnation, Isaiah spoke of The Virgin. The Virginity of Mary is the fulfillment of the promises of the Lord.

In our meditations, how often do we contemplate this sign? Not only is Mary, the Mother of God, but she is the fulfillment of God’s promises. She is The Woman. She is The Virgin.

There are those that consecrate themselves to the Lord and are Virgins. They do so in the service of the Lord. It symbolizes the setting aside of one self. The Virgin Mary has been set aside in the service of the Lord. Hear more in St. Matthew’s Gospel and the story of the Virgins.

The Virgin Who Keeps Watch

Mary set herself aside in the service of the Lord, even before the Lord calls upon her during the Incarnation. Her heart is set aside for the Lord. Her mind is set aside for the Lord. Her Spirit is set aside, awaiting the coming of the Lord. She is listening to the Lord. Hear more about this image. Hear more about another image from scripture that references the Virgin, from the Book of Ezekiel.

How Shall This Be, Since I Do Not Know Man?

In the Gospel of St. Luke, the Mystery of the Annunciation is revealed. After hearing Mary is to bear a Son, she asks this question (How shall this be …). Her response insists upon her Virginity. I am a Virgin. How is this to happen? I know not man. Hear more about the Angel’s response of assurance. Hear more about the events of the Annunciation and Mary’s Virginity. She will bear a Son, but she will not lose her Virginity. Man can not save himself alone. Nothing that man alone can do will save mankind. Hear more about salvation and Mary’s Virginity.

The Perpetual Virginity of Mary

The Perpetual Virginity of Mary, is the doctrine that Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ, was a Virgin before, during and after the birth of Christ. It is one of the four Marian dogmas of the Catholic Church. Many people, even many Christians, question the fact that Mary is a Virgin before and during the birth of Christ, and throughout her marriage. This is odd that many people would feel this way.

St. Louis de Montfort often called the Incarnation the Greatest of all Mysteries. It is when Our Lord empties Himself and enters the world through The Woman. Our Lord God becomes human to save the world. Of all the ways He could have accomplished this, He chose to do this Through Mary. This fact is so amazing and almost incomprehensible that Almighty God would chose to enter the world in such a way. By the fact we say The Creed during the Mass, all Christians confirm their belief in this miracle of salvation.

We believe in God and how He enters the world, but many people have a hard time believing The Perpetual Virginity of Mary. How is it that we have no problem believing the incomprehensible miracle of the Incarnation of God cloaking Himself as the Word becomes Flesh, but we pause on a lesser miracle of the Perpetual Virginity of Mary? Hear more about this Perpetual Virginity in the audio. It is important to understand this fact. Why is it important? Hear more about the amazing Mystery of the Incarnation. Hear more in this conference on The Virginity of Mary.

The Virginity of Mary

Note: *

During the pandemic, The Shrine of Our Lady of the Island’s Facebook page has a series of video covering Mass and Conferences. This conference’s audio appears above. However, if you would like to see the video (captured using FB Live Stream), follow the Video * link. Selecting the button will transfer you directly to the Shrine’s FB page that contains the video. We encourage you to return to this website after viewing the video.









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