I Am the Bread of Life
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
I Am the Bread of Life
Whoever believes will have the Bread of Life. I am the Living Bread of Life. Your ancestors ate manna from heaven … and died. This statement deserves considerable meditation … especially in these times.
Our ancestors who were set free … set free through the works of the Lord. In the desert they forget the Lord’s power. They are concerned, in the desert, with their food and the health of their body. They do so even after witnessing the works of Our Lord. Desperation takes over. They forgot the Lord. Doesn’t this happen to us as well?
When everything in the world does not seem to work. Even now, as we worry. We listen to our own fears. We may even turn away from the Lord Who provides for us. The Lord provided earthly food, and manna came down from heaven.
The Lord Jesus reminds us … they ate this bread and they died. The Lord has come to also provide the Bread of Life. He came to also feed the need of the heart as well, so the Spirit of man will not perish.
Hear more in this audio homily. As we hunger to receive the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, remember our hunger for the Lord as we ultimately will receive Him through Holy Communion.

The Top Image: Jesus at the Supper of Emmaus: Danish Painter: Carl Bloch: (Lived: 1834-1890 )
The Gathering of Manna: James Tissot: 1896 – 1902
I Am the Bread of Life