Here is a secret, chosen soul, which the most High God taught me. (St. Louis de Montfort SM1)
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The Secret of Mary was written as a letter to a religious Sister. St. Louis de Montfort states that our vocation in life is holiness. It is not priesthood, or marriage or single life. These are merely the means one uses to obtain holiness. All our actions, our thoughts, and words must be performed with this goal in mind – to obtain and live our lives in holiness. To do so, we must obtain grace from God.
How do we obtain this grace (SM6)? Fr. de Montfort continues, that to find grace, we must find Mary. True Devotion to the Bless Virgin is indispensable (SM23). This perfect devotion was practiced by very few in the times of St. Louis de Montfort. Indeed, even today, one could say the same.
But the Practice of Devotion to Mary consists of surrendering oneself in the manner of a slave to Mary, and to Jesus through her, and then performing all our actions With Mary, In Mary, Through Mary and For Mary (SM28).
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM walks us through St. Louis de Montfort’s teachings on the Secret of Mary in this seven part video.
Every Christian should view this video and read the Secret of Mary if they take their spiritual life seriously. We also recommend viewing and reading The Secret of Mary prior to beginning the Total Act of Consecration. Beginning to understand the teaching of St. Louis de Montfort is a fundamental requirement prior to pursuing consecration.
Please note: the page numbers mentioned in the video should be ignored, since in the video a standalone SM was not utilized. Just refer to the paragraph numbers.
The 7 chapters average 25 minutes each, so the overall video in total exceeds two hours. That stated, we suggest you do not attempt to read the book or review the video all at once. Read a little at a time and meditate on the content before proceeding to the next video chapter. Treat this as a Spiritual Pilgrimage.
Video Chapters and Corresponding Paragraph Numbers:
** Note: When they were labeled and uploaded to YouTube, Video Chapters 4 and 5 were reversed and mislabeled. Until it is fixed, view Video Chapter 5 before viewing Video Chapter 4, if possible.
Lastly, this video series was produced in conjunction with the Apostolate for Family Consecration ( We thank them for the ability to make this video series available to all who are interested in understanding and following the Spirituality preached by St. Louis de Montfort.
The Video above contains several chapters. The video will begin playing Chapter 1 in most cases. To advance to another chapter, just double click the chapter thumbnail and it will begin. Additionally, the current video can be advanced by clicking anywhere on the timeline. In most browsers, the video chapters will advance and begin playing by itself in the video chapter order. In some browsers, and in all smartphones, the video will be loaded, but not begin playing. Merely select the chapter desired and click on the video to begin playing.