Harrowing of Hell
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
H arrowing of Hell!
Wow! What does this topic have to do with Easter! Everything. When Jesus spent three days in the tomb, what did he do? Yes, his body was at rest. However, Jesus’ Spirit was not passive. In this Spiritual Insight hear what Harrowing means. Hear what Jesus did as outlined in scripture.
Later in this conference, with the background of scripture, the icon you see at the right is discussed. The icon shows Jesus holds (finds) Adam and Eve, from the Strong One (from the evil one), because Jesus is the Stronger One. Hear the analogy of what happen in the Garden of Eden during the fall of man … and his salvation.
At the end of the conference, an excerpt is read from the Litany of the Hours (read normally on Holy Saturday and covers the points of this conference); an excerpt that every Christian should read and/or hear that describes the greatness of Our Lord as he reached down to the depths of death during these three days.
We pray this helps all in resting in the Joy of Easter and the Easter Season.

Harrowing of Hell