The Feast of the Annunciation II
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
“The first mystery of Jesus Christ, the most hidden, the most exalted, the least known.”
(St. Louis de Montfort’s True Devotion: 248 )
Audio #1: The Gospel and Homily: Feast of the Annunciation
T he Homily discusses the Gospel: The Annunciation. What is the greatest sign the Lord can give? God wishes to show a sign. It is hundreds of years before the Annunciation when God’s plan was first revealed. What was the sign that is high and magnificent as Heaven itself? The Virgin will conceive and bear a Son. How little do we appreciate the Mystery of the Incarnation? This Mystery of the Annunciation? This Mystery of how God gives Himself to the world.
What we celebrate is not merely a sign, but a reality. Because at this moment of the Annunciation, the Lord does not only speak to creation … and the world. He dwells within it! The Word is made flesh. What we see is more than a sign. It is a fundamental reality. The Lord comes to this world Through Mary, With Mary, In Mary and By Mary. This is how the Lord will save the world! Hear more about this Mystery. The single most important Mystery, according to St. Louis de Montfort. The Mystery of the Incarnation. Hear more about this Mystery during this first audio.

The Annunciation: Leonardo da Vinci: 1472
This painting resides in Florence, Italy. The painting existed for almost 400 years without recognizing that it was an early painting of Leonardo da Vinci. He was about 20 years old and the style is not completely viewed as Leonardo-ish: as he would develop that Leonardo style later in life.
Audio #2: Conference: What is the Spirit of Jesus?…and … Total Consecration Prayer
In making our Total Consecration to Jesus Through Mary …. and doing the exercises in the Preparation (Gray) Book, one of the pillars that St. Louis de Montfort stresses is this:
To Empty Yourself of the World … So That You May Be Filled with the Spirit of Jesus.
What is the Spirit of Jesus? This is the focus of the Conference Audio. Hear what it means to be filled with the Spirit of Jesus. Hear what the Spirit of Jesus really means to those that follow Montfortian Spirituality!
Additionally, in the audio the Total Consecration Prayer (follow along using the Preparation Book) is recited. After the prayer, one additional mediation is given based upon this prayer. Consider it this Lenten Season, and each time you renew your Total Consecration to Jesus Through Mary.
Audio #3: The Rosary, including Meditations on the Mystery of Incarnation
Lastly, we include the Rosary, including Meditations on the Mystery of Incarnation. This Rosary is special because each decade focuses strictly on one Mystery. The Mystery of the Incarnation! Say this Rosary, along with thousands of others Queen of All Hearts members and with those who practice Montfortian Spirituality!